Just another blog?


I’ve contemplated starting a blog for months. I enjoy reading what others are learning, and feel that I too have something to contribute. I thought of a name and a theme for what I wanted to share with the world.

Then I got stuck. I felt overwhelmed.

Does the internet really need another blog that talks about money-saving tips? What do I have to say that’s really new?

I don’t have all the answers, but I do have a few things to say.

Here are some things you should know about me:

1.  I am not a mom.

I am not saving money to buy new shoes for Susie (although I totally admire money-saving moms). My husband and I are on a budget because of student loan debt, and we’re trying to figure out how to make the most of life while having a limited amount of cash to spend.

2.  I do follow Dave Ramsey’s plan.

Some of you have maybe heard of Dave Ramsey. I’m not into idol worship, but I deeply respect and admire this man who has helped people get on track with their money and change their lives. His principles have changed the way we view money. So, be prepared, I may mention him from time to time.

3. I appreciate and want to share helpful things.

Sometimes on Pinterest I see something like “easy meal plan” and then when I look at the ingredients and the directions I think “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” and “Since when do I keep [this ingredient] and [that ridiculous thing] on hand?”

I buy essentials at the grocery store and I work a part-time job, substitute teach, volunteer with a non-profit, and am a housewife. I need something affordable and easy that will fit in with my lifestyle. My goal is to provide money-saving ideas and tips, along with delicious recipes, that people can actually make without having to run to the store to buy some specific ingredient.

With all that being said, I hope you’ll come back and visit as I start to share. I’m certainly no expert on saving money, but I have learned a thing or two as we’ve had this frugal lifestyle for almost 4 years.

My goal is to save money but not skimp on the life experiences. Just because you’re on a budget doesn’t mean that you’re poor.

I look forward to sharing more with you all in the future.

Stay classy! 



My husband and I on a fun, frugal date – a corn maze and petting zoo day!